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A performance marketing agency improved Amazon advertisements by optimizing listing quality with DH Ventures Vietnam. Through effective outsourcing, the agency expanded services, maintaining direct customer communication.


Performance Marketing Agency

Expanding Services

Graphic Design


With DH Ventures Vietnam, the performance marketing agency seized a remarkable opportunity for cross-selling optimized listings to enhance product conversion rates and bolster advertising success for their clients. Operating seamlessly in the background, DH Ventures Vietnam enabled the agency to expand its services in a simple yet effective manner:

1) The agency forwards existing Amazon listings to DH Ventures Vietnam, providing a detailed briefing.

2) DH Ventures Vietnam combines 3D renderings and stock pictures to create highly converting listings.

3) The marketing agency seamlessly delivers the finalized listings to end customers.

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Expanding services through an efficient outsourcing model, the agency maintained direct customer communication while leveraging DH Ventures Vietnam's expertise to produce tangible results. By seamlessly offering new services and enhancing performance marketing, the agency added value for both themselves and the customers. This win-win situation ensured optimal outcomes for all parties involved.

You are also an agency producing 5-50 Listings a months and wants to scale fast? Then what are you waiting for?


A performance marketing agency specializing in Amazon Advertisement optimization frequently advised clients to improve their listings since listing quality and CVR played a key factor in their advertisement strategies. Leveraging the expertise of DH Ventures Vietnam, the agency successfully expanded its services, now offering comprehensive listing creations to clients as a valuable addition. 

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